Thinking Rationally About Christian Theology: A Handbook on Polemics
By Timothy B. Chrisman
The twenty-first century has presented some unique challenges to the Church. It is beset by doctrines from belief systems outside the Church, heretical beliefs from within the Church, and popular misconceptions. To address these issues, Thinking Rationally About Christian Theology, in a systematic format, presents the major doctrines of the faith, the unbiblical beliefs that counter them, and a Scriptural and rational defense for each doctrine. This text is intended to be a resource for pastors, seminary students, Christian leaders, and engaged believers who are actively sharing their faith; in order to communicate to a skeptical and pluralistic world that Christian theology is both biblical and logical.
Now available
​​​​Product Details:
Publisher: Northeastern Baptist Press (December 11, 2024)
Language: English
228 pages
Softback ISBN: 978-1-953331-38-0
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
$24.99 (paperback)